Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Guns and Freedom

Freedom means carrying a gun?

I've been off line for a few weeks with travel obligations and when I arrived back, I read the horrible news of two police officers basically assassinated while eating their lunch in a public restaurant.  And in Las Vegas, Nevada no less!

A friend shared a post on Facebook in memory of the fallen officers, which I thought was very touching.  However, it did not take long before gun control and abortions were mentioned in comments, e.g. if you are for gun control, you will also slay innocent unborn babies!!! How rude and inappropriate this was, bringing in politics when so many people were in shock and saddened by this incident.

So the militia at Bundy Ranch are there to fight for our freedom and Bundy was quick to point out that the 2 cop killers were asked to leave the ranch, due to their inappropriate behavior.  Well I have to state that I DO NOT feel a sense of freedom around a bunch of gun wielding want'a be patriots! To me, it's like lighting up a cigarette in a dynamite store!  One wrong move and something's going off!  Now don't get me wrong, my father made sure that I not only knew how to shoot but also became a damn good markswoman!

No, I'm not packing in my purse and so far, have not felt the need for one.  But don't get any ideas about pushing me too far, there many other ways to defend oneself with out the need of a gun.  What my father drilled in to my head was the responsibility that goes with using a gun for protection--when to pull the trigger and not kill an innocent person.  Having relatives that were in law enforcement, I realize how much training it takes to know how and when to use the gun.

No, my freedom comes when I can dress as I please and go out as a lone woman.  Just because I might feel in a sexy mood and dress that way does not give a man the right to force me to have sex with him.  However, if I so choose to have casual sex, it is only right that we both prevent a pregnancy from happening.  I don't believe in taking a chance on getting pregnant unless the woman is ready to make an 18 year commitment! 

Furthermore, I sure do not understand why there is such a big issue with people using birth control.  Either use birth control or do not have sexual intercourse--it's that simple!!! 

Well, I've blown off enough steam with this Pondering and now I will go outside a have a nice bottle of wine.  Oh and just maybe I'll light a candle on the bottle and see how far I can still extinguish it with my 357!!