Thursday, April 24, 2014

Patriarch or Domestic Terrorist, the News Media Will Decide

Hate, the U.S.'s Newest Chemical High

Today, I'm pondering the quote by José N. Harris, “There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living.”

What brought this to mind was last night when I clicked to another channel to avoid the commercials and accidentally landed on Fox News.  So against my better judgment, I watched for as long as my bowels would allow.  Talk about drama queens and do they have the hair flick down! 

I know of a person whose TV is stuck on Fox News most of the day and night.  For my own sanity, I can not visit with this person any more.

 And I ponder, how many home-grown terrorists like Frazier Glenn Cross Jr. are we incubating with constant threats coming from the NRA, the insane rants of Rush Limbaugh and the paranoia from Glenn Beck?  Is our society seducing certain individuals with anti-government delusions and right wing fantasies, thus paving the way for more Timothy McVeigh’s to crawl out from under the dark shadows? 

I have never been one to favor BLM's activities toward the wild horses and burros.  However I do have some friends who are BLM rangers and also very nice people.  Nonetheless, this drama at the Bundy Ranch has left a very bad impression of the U.S. Government and law enforcement.  Protesting is the America's freedom of choice, but I can bet my bank account that if I showed up at my state capitol armed to the teeth, using children and women as shields that I would be locked away in a manner of seconds. 

Freedom of speech is a wonderful privilege that we Americans enjoy.  I use the word "privilege" because where does freedom end and terrorism begin when hate is used as a drug more powerful that meth, heroin or crack? 

If the drama of suspicion, paranoia and intolerance continues at what point will innocent people be able to walk away from the drama, I ponder?

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