Friday, February 28, 2014

Capturing the Photo, at what Cost?

Respecting the Law's of Nature

An article that I just recently came across has got me to pondering on this rainy day.  I was reading where  wildlife photographer, Jim Neiger has entered a plea of guilty to violating the Endangered Species Act in Kissimmee, Florida for harassing nesting snail kites. It appears that over 6 times a group of scientists observed Neiger wedge his pontoon into the reeds where the endangered raptors were nesting, thus frightening the birds so they fly off their nests and he can then take photos of the birds in flight.

 According to federal court papers, Neiger also brought “students” in who were taking his Flight School Photography course to demonstrate how to photograph birds in fight. 

 In exchange for a guilty plea for violating the federal Endangered Species Act, Neiger can get a one year maximum in prison plus up to $100,000 in fines.   Unfortunately Neiger was allowed to pay $9,000 in lieu of relinquishing his camera and boat. 

In this new age of digital photography, I see a bunch of "want’a bees" clamoring for success and going to any length to capture the image.  The Want’a Bees are no longer satisfied with learning from mentors, taking accredited classes or gaining experience from hard work.  No way! Not when they can pay someone to take them to the location, whether it is a game farm or out in the wild to disturb nature. 

I appreciate the true nature photographer who upholds nature's laws, uses proper etiquette and has a little common sense in obtaining their photos.   

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Carl Sagan on Finding out the Truth

Are we being Bamboozled to Identify with the Aggressor?
This day, I'm pondering one of the insightful quotes from Carl Sagan, which is:

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

And this also reminds me of a post from a Facebook friend who said:  
"It's interesting how some allow jealousness and envy to affect their loyalty".

In psychology these behavior patterns are known as "Identification with the Aggressor or Stockholm Syndrome" ... where a person adopts the perspective or behavior patterns of a captor or abuser.

I'm beginning to ponder, are some of the political leaders using this psychology toward acquiring more followers and then turning them in to mad and mindless zombies......

Monday, February 24, 2014

America Scores Mediocre in Basic Science

So Does the Earth Revolve Around the Sun?

Once again I've come across a news article that has me pondering and what might that be I hope you are wondering?  Well I have a question, does the earth move around the sun or is it the opposite, the sun evolves around our planet?  I find it totally amazing that 26% of the American public  in a science quiz answered that the sun revolves around the earth! I guess this might seem a logical answer since the sun does appear to move across the sky from sunrise to sunset. 

In a 2012 survey conducted every two years by the National Science Foundation of over 2,200 people in the U.S. 5.8 of the questions on basic science were answered incorrectly, with an overall grade of 65% which was considered a failure when I was in school. 

The basic science questions are as follows:

1.  True of False, the center of the Earth is very hot?

2.  True or false, the continents have been moving their location for millions of years and will continue to move.

3.  Does the Earth go around the sun, or does the sun go around the Earth?

4. True or false, all radioactivity is man-made?

5. True or false, electrons are smaller than atoms?

6. True or false, lasers work by focusing sound waves?

7. True or false, the universe began with a huge explosion?

8. True or false, it's the father's gene that decides whether the baby is a boy or girl?

9. True or false, antibiotics kill viruses as well as bacteria?

10. True or false, human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals?

Now granted I understand that some answers may be controversial based on one's religions beliefs.  However, most of these questions are almost pure logic. 

Well, I invite you to participate and have fun, oh and to make it more challenging, I haven't supplied the answers--that's to Google if you aren't sure. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Frankencrops Invade Human DNA!

Or Will We Become What We Eat?

After reading a post on Facebook from a publication in the Natural Revolution Empowering Natural Living, entitled: "Confirmed:  DNA From Genetically Modified Crops Are Transferred Into Humans Who Eat Them", I am reminded of older SF movies that my father loved to watch--“The Swamp Thing”, “Attack of the 50 Foot Woman”, “Enemy from Space”, “Invaders from Mars” and “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”.

 In the aforementioned article there are scientific concerns based on research which reveals that meal-driven DNA fragments can complete genes that enter into the human circulation system through an UNKNOWN mechanism. 

Based on an analysis of over 1000 human samples from four independent studies, this study was published in the Public Library of Science.  What is feared by the science community is that they have no idea of the long term effects that GMO crops and food will have on humans.  Recent advances in genome science indicate that organisms have been discovered to share their genes not only through reproduction but also through consumed and digested food products. 

Prior to 2013, our government concluded that the transfer of DNA from GM crops/food was unlikely to occur.  However, I’m pondering if they did in fact have prior knowledge of this potential and are we just one huge science project?

Maybe there was some insight into these older SF movies and the truth is just coming out, Frankencrops altering human DNA to glow in the dark zombies.  

Saturday, February 22, 2014

America, Land of the Free?

 Beware of  Looking too Closely at Her Shadows

America, home of the brave and land of the free, but as you wander across this land of wide expanse and equal opportunity, don't go poking around too much or you might find some skeletons hiding behind her shadows.

And yes, Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant is getting all the attention and almost every day I see more warnings about eating pacific seafood or even surfing off the shore of California.   But what about the third largest nuclear disaster in world history that occurred in New Mexico?  Just less than 4 months after the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor meltdown in 1979, a spill at a uranium mill at Church Rock, New Mexico released 3 times as much radiation that eventually flowed in to the Puerco River. 

So I'm pondering how many U.S. citizens are aware of Church Rock as they are Chernobyl and Fukushima?  Maybe because it was located in the Navajo Nation where there are over 500 abandoned uranium mines with in their reservation? 

But travel a little further south to the great state of Texas, between Poth and Falls City and you will find miles and miles of drilling rigs, crude oil storage tanks and flares burning with trails of black smoke hazing the deep blue sky.   This area is the Eagle Ford Shale, 400 miles long, 50 miles wide, where gas and oil is extracted all the way to the Mexican border. 

Well, America must have her gasoline and as state Rep. Harvey Hilderbran, a Republican from Central Texas, so proudly proclaims: "I believe if you're anti-oil and gas, you're anti-Texas.”  

However like with Church Rock's uranium mill we citizens are desensitized to the health issues on humans and the environment.  I also ponder if we Americans are being molded into a bunch zombies who are no longer free thinkers.

I’m really pondering why we continue to pay out over $3.00 a gallon for gasoline and around the same amount for propane when we have so many resources?  Well, it's better to just go along, eat more Hot Pockets and listen to the latest breaking news, because zombies are immune to any pain or emotional discomfort.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Foie gras, Straéca or Hamburger

When is a Delicacy to Inhumane for Dinner?

In the news was an interesting controversy that forced the cancellation of an event at the Nevada Museum of Art in Reno, Nevada on February 15th.  It seems that people were upset due to a foie gras tasting at an art museum because the delicacy of duck and geese liver is inhumane to the birds.  They are force fed so that the liver will grow larger. 

However also in Nevada, the town of Elko's county commissioners have voted to give $10,000 to NACO Nevada Association of Counties and the Nevada Farm Bureau Federation toward a suite filed with a federal court in Reno, arguing even though wild horses and burros have long been a part of Nevada’s landscape and heritage, their populations have grossly exceeded appropriate management levels.  Wild horse advocates fear that this is a measure to eliminate more horses and eventually send them to slaughter.  Many questions and rumors have been surfacing about what is actually done with all the horses that BLM has been rounding up over the years--at Tax Payer's expense. 

So I guess it's inhumane to raise fowl for foie gras but not to stampede horses with helicopters and then do who knows what with them.  This really has me pondering!

Regarding Artists

On Respecting Art 

There's been much discussion within my artists group of friends regarding the actions of Maximo Caminero in breaking Weiwei's $1 million vase to protest what he supposedly stated was the museum’s favoritism for international rather than local art.

Although many works of art have been vandalized throughout the ages, including Rembrandt's, Eriksen's, Da Vinci's just to name a few, I solemnly hope that the Miami authorities will punish Mr. Caminero to the full extent of the law. 

Defacing art has been happening like forever and I've heard on numerous occasions of local artists having their work vandalized, e.g.: glass scratched, paintings defaced, so on and on.....with no repercussions, most likely due to the vandal not being caught. 

However, once the news media makes a field day of such actions, then all the "free thinkers" come out of the shadows to make their mark on art history.  So Maximo, congratulations, you are now an internationally famous artist!! How many times have I heard it said that bad publicity is better than good news!  I just hope that you do not gain popularity from such a selfish lack of respect for other artist’s works.
Good morning Friends,

I came across some thought provoking news this morning by Mike Adams in  Natural Health News & Scientific Discoveries. In his article, Adams states that he has noticed through atomic spectroscopy analysis that the diets in the U. S. are intentionally designed to end human life, rather than nourish it. 

I find this very interesting when recently a conversation with friends over wine turned to similar speculations. 

Adams concludes that fast food, processed food, high carbohydrates and high sugar content not only rob a body of nutrition but may be a leading factor with mental and emotional problems.
 Furthermore,  foods processed in China are so highly polluted, do you ever question why China has taken over production of so much of our food products and supplements?
As I ponder over Adams article, I'm wondering what would be the benefit in poisoning our own citizens?  Is this a means of ending over population or weeding out the worker bees?  Oh yes bees, that leads to other pondering's!   

So what is the solution, well Adams encourages us to grow our own food or buy from local farmers.  And you may be questioning how can one grow their own food with limited space?  That my followers leads to a new blog post--container gardening for limited space.

To read more from Mike Adams, follow the link:

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hello again,

I just can't help not passing this little bit of Ponderings on.   From the New York Daily News, French Police in Roubaix are suffering from headaches and nausea as well as failing drug tests caused by a 100 pound stash of confiscated cannabis stored in the station.  

And here I thought Hawaiian Gold was the best, LOL!!
Good afternoon,

Walmart's newest promo campaign has me pondering about their products.  "Let’s make great things. U.S. manufacturing is coming back, creating new jobs for American workers."  Is this really true and when can I expect to see Made in the USA on the labels? 

Oh yes and what about the chicken that will be processed in China?  This whole thought is totally absurd and maybe I'll just eat more rattlesnake since it tastes like chicken!

Off to see what's shaking.....
Hello, my name is Jackie and this is my first post.  I love exploring the world so through my blog, I will share ideas, concerns and just interesting concepts.

You are welcome to make comments so I hope that you will follow along.