Friday, February 28, 2014

Capturing the Photo, at what Cost?

Respecting the Law's of Nature

An article that I just recently came across has got me to pondering on this rainy day.  I was reading where  wildlife photographer, Jim Neiger has entered a plea of guilty to violating the Endangered Species Act in Kissimmee, Florida for harassing nesting snail kites. It appears that over 6 times a group of scientists observed Neiger wedge his pontoon into the reeds where the endangered raptors were nesting, thus frightening the birds so they fly off their nests and he can then take photos of the birds in flight.

 According to federal court papers, Neiger also brought “students” in who were taking his Flight School Photography course to demonstrate how to photograph birds in fight. 

 In exchange for a guilty plea for violating the federal Endangered Species Act, Neiger can get a one year maximum in prison plus up to $100,000 in fines.   Unfortunately Neiger was allowed to pay $9,000 in lieu of relinquishing his camera and boat. 

In this new age of digital photography, I see a bunch of "want’a bees" clamoring for success and going to any length to capture the image.  The Want’a Bees are no longer satisfied with learning from mentors, taking accredited classes or gaining experience from hard work.  No way! Not when they can pay someone to take them to the location, whether it is a game farm or out in the wild to disturb nature. 

I appreciate the true nature photographer who upholds nature's laws, uses proper etiquette and has a little common sense in obtaining their photos.   

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