Thursday, February 20, 2014

Good morning Friends,

I came across some thought provoking news this morning by Mike Adams in  Natural Health News & Scientific Discoveries. In his article, Adams states that he has noticed through atomic spectroscopy analysis that the diets in the U. S. are intentionally designed to end human life, rather than nourish it. 

I find this very interesting when recently a conversation with friends over wine turned to similar speculations. 

Adams concludes that fast food, processed food, high carbohydrates and high sugar content not only rob a body of nutrition but may be a leading factor with mental and emotional problems.
 Furthermore,  foods processed in China are so highly polluted, do you ever question why China has taken over production of so much of our food products and supplements?
As I ponder over Adams article, I'm wondering what would be the benefit in poisoning our own citizens?  Is this a means of ending over population or weeding out the worker bees?  Oh yes bees, that leads to other pondering's!   

So what is the solution, well Adams encourages us to grow our own food or buy from local farmers.  And you may be questioning how can one grow their own food with limited space?  That my followers leads to a new blog post--container gardening for limited space.

To read more from Mike Adams, follow the link:

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