Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Real Live Apatosaurus?

Dinosaurs Roaming the Earth in the Next Ten Years!

British Scientists have reached a milestone in genetic engineering.  A living, breathing dinosaur has been cloned at Liverpool's John Moore University.  Or so was reported on March 28, 2014.  The dinosaur is a baby Apatosaurus, nicknamed "Spot" and is currently being incubated at the University College of Veterinary Medicine. "Spot" was cloned by extracting DNA from preserved Apatosaurus fossils. Once the DNA was harvested, it was then injected in to a fertile ostrich womb because ostriches share genetic traits with dinosaurs. 

The Apatosaurus for those who are pondering, is a mid-sized sauropod dinosaur reaching 30 feet tall, 67 feet in length and weighing 66,000 pounds; that lived in the Late Jurassic Period, from 154 to 144 million years ago. Apatosaurus were omnivorous, meaning they ate plants, animals and eggs.  It's also thought that they might have been scavengers.  

So what's the College of Veterinary Medicine to do with this creature that will grow to such enormous size, I ponder?  Well, animal right's organizations including PETA are having fits over this endeavor, and fear that Spot will become a huge lab rat, with a life of experiments and torture. 

This is all pretty amazing since the scientist's goal is to repopulate the world with dinosaurs within the next ten years.  And that is, if the super volcano at Yellowstone doesn't erupt and bring about another period of mass extinction!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Costco Dumps Peanut Butter in Land Fill

 Who Should Be Eating Contaminated Peanut Butter?

The scuttlebutt today is centered on the large membership shopping store Costco Wholesale, which will be dumping nearly a million jars of peanut butter in to a New Mexico landfill. 

The reason for such extreme measures is the food comes from a bankrupt peanut-processing plant that was at ground zero of a salmonella outbreak in 2012.   Costco Wholesale refused to receive shipment of the Sunland Inc. product and declined requests for it to be donated to food banks or sold to food supply institutions for prisons. 

So people are outraged and pointing fingers at Costco who has a proud reputation for how they treat employees.  So I'm pondering if it's better to pay $60K to dump the peanut butter and cover it with dirt or allow it to make any number of people sick, if it is in fact contaminated with salmonella.  Feeding prisoners the contaminated food might be a deserving punishment, but not food banks! 

My concerns are:

1.  If the peanut butter is dumped without being removed from the plastic jars, it may be discovered by a fleet of passing UFO's long after humans have vanished from the earth and will perhaps be recorded as the prime factor in the demise of human civilization.

2.  How in the name of reason did such a large salmonella contamination occur with Sunland Inc?

3.  It sure is a shame that entities like Sunland can file bankruptcy and escape any future obligation.
4.  If Costco allowed the peanut butter to be consumed and people got sick, guess who would be liable! 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Wild Horses as Invasive Species Compared to Pythons

Just Send Them to Slaughter!

Well followers, I am totally outraged by how narrow minded, uninformed people can get attention in the news media today. 

Chuck Klosterman’s "The Ethicist" is supposed to be a thought-provoking column in The New York Times magazine.  One of his readers (name omitted but I shall call him Mr. Opinion for want of better names) wrote his opinion of the wild horses as being an invasive species that are not much different from pythons in Florida or the Asian long-horned beetle.

 What I gather from Mr. Opinion's view point is the only reasonable alternative with the horses destroying all the grasslands and ruining the water sources, is to send them to slaughter.  And that needs to be done before they starve in a harsh winter or die of thirst from the summer drought.    

Very logical thinking Mr. Opinion.  Let's ponder this:  wild horses are able to eat and digest native desert plants that are unsuitable for cattle and furthermore, horses favor steep hilly areas.  Unlike a cow that grazes by pulling the grass out by the roots, a horse's teeth are built to clip the grass where it will easily grow back.

Additionally, the horse's digestive system does not fully degrade the vegetation. The pooped out seeds are then able to become replanted and continue growing.   For this very reason, in the 1950's the state of Nevada passed the first wild horse protection law to keep horses on the range to help prevent brush fires.

As for destroying water sources, I beg to differ with Mr. Opinion.  It is a proven fact that cows are the ones who trample, defecate in and destroy water sources.  Horses drink from a water source and then warder off as they graze. 

And in conclusion Mr. Opinion, as far as horses being an invasive species, there is a 25,000 year old horse head fossil that was discovered by one of the Tribal members and can be seen on exhibit at the Pyramid Lake Paiute Museum in Nevada.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

On Staying Positive

 Enjoying Life as a Responsible Adult

Some people question why in my Pondering's am I always looking at the negative side of things.  And I reckon it does appear that I am not a fun-loving, laughing and joking kind of gal!

 I enjoy life to the fullest and appreciate the beauty of the world in which I live.  It makes me sick when I hear how "entities", for better use of the word, manipulate and prostitute principles that should be improving life for all of us on this planet that we call home. 

The other evening when the temps had cooled down and a wind was blowing out of the north, I watched two neighbors spraying Round Up.  They were standing right in the spray while talking and laughing.  Such irresponsible behavior from two middle age adults just made me sick.  No regards for their health or where the wind might be carrying the spray to contaminate plants, wildlife or water features. 

The next day when I expressed concern, I was told by one of the neighbors that Monsanto guarantees that when the Round Up dries, it is so safe, you can eat the grass if you want!  I can only hope that this person did try and eat the grass.

Then there is the issue with food and what I observe people consuming.  Why in the name of reason would anyone buy a child a soda that is too large for them to lift to their mouth?  Or what about a sandwich that has more calories that a 12 piece bucket of KFC greasy fried chicken!  Furthermore, I am sorry but what goes in must come out and if you consume all those calories you are going to get fat.  Obesity is something that a person has control over, it is called willpower!

Lastly is the right to bare arms.  Maybe I'm luckily because I have never wanted a gun or felt the need for one.  Nowadays, everyone must have a gun and stand their ground, regardless of the innocent people that are being killed. 

So maybe it does appear that I am negative.  However I prefer to live as a responsible adult and make sound decisions that will not haunt me for the rest of my life.  I take control over my happiness and health, as much as I can in this whacked up, calorie laden, gun toting Round Up society.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Chemtrails, Sulfates and Geo-engineers

 Where is Humanity Heading?

The latest "news" that I've been reading sure has me pondering about our future on this planet.  I came across two articles in The Guardian that are more nightmarish than thought provoking.

 For the one, it seems that Geo-engineers are coming out of the "chem trail closet" with Bill Gates as the sponsor of a project for controlling global warming.  This would entail releasing sulfate particles in to the atmosphere at 80,000 feet from a large balloon over Fort Sumner New Mexico.  The goal of this endeavor is to reflect sunlight back into the atmosphere, thus cooling the planet. 

Never mind the potential for harming humans and ecosystems across our planet.  Why in the name of reason would anyone propose to add more toxic substances that will contribute to the air pollution, thus causing respiratory damage in humans as well as animals?

Oh now I get it!  The other article that I mentioned is a soon to be released research paper sponsored by NASA that theorizes human's reign of this planet might be coming to a finale, and sooner than was first realized.  As of very recently, humans are using up resources faster than the earth can provide.

 So how will this affect the people living on the planet?  Well, the common people will be left to die off, while the "elite" inherit the earth.  Once the commoners are gone, the elite will enjoy a utopian life in paradise! 

And I am really pondering this since the Bible has promised that the meek will inherit the earth!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Females with Male Chromosomes

Being More  Selective Might be a Good Choice

I recently ran across an interesting article that really has me pondering.  An article by Alanna Ketler in entitled "This Study Will Make You Think Twice About Who You Are Getting Into Bed With" has come up with some interesting findings.

It seems that scientists have made a discovery that many women possess the Y-chromosome male gene in their blood.  So if maybe you are pondering why, the obvious answer would appear to be from being pregnant with a male son.

Women carry cells from the fetus in their bloodstream and organs, regardless whether the pregnancy was terminated or if there was a miscarriage. The gene remains with the mother throughout her life. 

However, surprisingly the Y-chromosome gene is also showing up in women who have never been pregnant. 

In a 2004 study by Immunologists at the Fred Hutchinson Caner Center, it was concluded that women carried the male Y-chromosome gene from having sexual intercourse. Yes, through intercourse women can hold on to male genes and DNA in their organs and blood stream for their entire life!

Well, this sure opens up an entire new topic for discussion over a glass of wine!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

TransCanada Pipeline, More Oil for U.S.?

Politics, Viagra and Debates, Who's Getting the Oil?

So we anxiously await President Obama's final decision regarding the TransCanada pipeline, which is rumored to come soon.  I ponder how much of this oil is actually going to benefit the American public?  There is so much debate over jobs, environmental issues and whether the oil is actually staying in the U.S. or going to China.  And with spring drawing near, the gasoline prices are creeping up. 

I believe that like with climate change this pipeline has become such a political issue and more and more, Americans are being drawn apart almost like with the Civil War in the North vs. the South.  I heard someone remark that politics are just for the older crowd and like with Viagra it keeps them erect and aroused.  Young folks are too busy living and trying out new experiences so whatever is decided, they will just go with the flow--or not!

Maybe it's true, the younger generation should run this country and turn the older, mature political leaders out to pasture with all the Viagra they need.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Climate Change, Fact or Fraud?

Global Warming, Political Snake Oil?

Climate Change is like religion you either believe it or you don't. However, a new study on climate change issued by NASA finds that the climate’s sensitivity to carbon pollution is on the high side. What this indicates in plain language is that if there are not rapid reductions in greenhouse gases, global warming is likely to be high enough to destroy a livable climate.

The old phrase "them's fighting words" comes to mind when climate change is mentioned in certain circles.  I have seen people get so riled up that I don't think they would spit as much venom if I was blaspheming the Pope!  Even my neighbor got all in my face and told me that we were just having a hot spell.  But what about temperatures over the last few summers that continue to break heat records?

 One of the U.S.'s top climatologists, Michael Mann fears that the threat of future warming may have been underestimated.  Nonetheless, I ponder that his credibility may be in question since he is "One of Them" Climatologists. 

One bit of evidence that I must agree with is, the more ice the planet has, the cooler it will be.  With less ice to reflect the sun, the dark oceans absorb more heat and therefore the climate gets hotter.  This makes perfect sense to me and the proof is between a white car and a black car sitting in the hot sun. 

So while we fight over who's wrong or right, the planet keeps on changing and this summer of 2014 is predicted to be hotter with more wildfires. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Snowden Leaks Plans to Infect Computers

Gumfish can Foggy our Bottoms, but Who Will Tell!

Well, good ole Snowden leaks more of NSA plans to infect millions of computers.

 In files recently published by Journalists Glenn Greenwald and Ryan Gallagher, it appears that NSA will be relying on malicious software sent to targets through surreptitious means, by using “implants” that have been developed “to break into targeted computers and to siphon out data from foreign Internet and phone networks.”
 It is even rumored that NSA has been disguising itself as a fake Facebook server to intercept connections, and then to send the unsuspecting Facebook users to a real site embedded with malware with the ability to infect the user’s computer.

Even YouTube is not above suspicion with spying conducted on the habits of unknowing subjects by giving the users what they think is a more "personalized" browsing experience.

And the list goes on and on:

An intercept named CAPTIVATEDAUDIENCE can take over a targeted computer's microphone and record conversations. 

GUMFISH can covertly take over a computer's webcam and then take photographs of the unsuspecting user. 

 FOGGYBOTTOM records internet browsing histories, collects login details and passwords.

 GORK logs keystrokes.

And SALVAGERABBIT removes data from flash drives connected to a user's computer.

A NSA worker was rumored to so proudly admit that "If we can get the target to visit us in some sort of web browser, we can probably own them.”

So what's an innocent user to do, well Snowden believes that Encryption is the only way to go! 

And from now on, I will be careful to place my computer in a separate room where that is all I do and when I am on-line I make sure that I am fully clothed!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Assist the Search for Malaysia Flight MH370 via Crowdsource

Search from Home by with DigitalGlobe Technology

An American satellite imaging company is enlisting the assistance of the public to get involved with the search for the still missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

 How would this work, you might be pondering?  DigitalGlobe, based in Longmont, Colorado has trained cameras from five orbiting satellites on the Gulf of Thailand. 

The public can help by clicking on the link and begin searching images to tag anything that looks suspicious.  Each pixel on a computer screen equals 0.5m on the ocean's surface.  Experts would then follow up on any leads. 

If you are interested in searching, follow the link:

To read more:

Monday, March 10, 2014

Dark Secrets in Fast Food

 Don't Ask Because They Probably Won't Tell  

I'm out for my morning run when I get the urge for a quick pick me up, so I ponder what would be a good choice?  And then I remember like a cold slap on the face what I read on the Huffington Post!

McCafe my favorite drive through treat is out since it's rumored that they do not clean the machines and "five plus inches of unlearned liquid bullshit buildup may be coated inside the parts"!

 Taco Bell is not a good choice due to the dehydrated beans looking like something the cat threw up and the beef don't rate much better.

Oh and there's always Wendy's chili, but is it true that the meat comes from expired left overs?

So maybe KFC's BBQ chicken would be a nice treat, however I read that it is made from the chicken that has become too old and stale so they soak it in sauce that would make old vinyl flooring taste great.

Well, I could stop for a nice cold slurpee but all that mold growing in the machines might just do me in! 

Oh dear I ponder, so maybe I'll just wait till I get home!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Springing Ahead Once Again

 Pondering On One Less Hour of Sleep

How fast time goes by, seems like only yesterday that we were moving our clocks back.  I enjoyed having that extra hour and now what is given is then taken away! 

So I ponder, why must most of the U.S. endure these changes?  Well if you think it's due to the farmers, you are miss-lead!  Up to 1966, the farmers blocked daylight saving time and then Present Johnson gave in to the lobbyist,  signing DLST into law.

Research has found that changing our sleep schedule does us no good and contributes to a higher risk of car accidents, increased work place injuries and a spike in coronary risk.  However, pressure from the lobbyist for the industries that benefit financially from this law far out weight the disadvantages affecting the American public.  

 And who might these lobbyist be, I pondered?  In a March 4, 2014 report by Gail Bambrick entitled "The Cost of Daylight Saving Time" it is stated that the main businesses profiting from extra sunlight at the day's end are oil, energy, golf, commercial recreational parks e.g. water parks, plus patio and grill suppliers.  Bambrick summarizes that although studies show that changing the sleep schedule is not good for us or for the extra energy demands, we are still forced to comply. 

So while you are enjoying that extra day light just be reminded that you are also paying for that privilege.  

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Internation Women's Day

Celebrating the Achievements of Women across the Globe

Today, March 8, 2014 is a special day for all women across the globe.

 Each year on March 8th. since 1911 women are celebrated for their achievements.  Whether it is with students, mothers, home makers, scientists,  professionals and all women,  we mark this day to pay special tribute to those who have inspired positive change.  This year's theme is Inspiring Change.

So thank you to all our special women who have nurtured us, lead us and inspired us.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Milking the American Public

   More for Them, Higher Prices for U.S.

Today I am pondering about the rising price of milk in the U.S. 

One news agency recently reported that increased prices were partially due to the demand for milk overseas, which has reduced the supplies in the States. 

Does it appear to anyone else that our own country is selling its citizens out?  Gas prices have been outrageously high due to the demand for gasoline in other countries and now Milk!!  What about us, the Americans?  Just keep bleeding the host while the parasite keeps growing!

As long as we continue to work for Master and pay these high prices, we will only get what's left over.  Does this begin to sound familiar?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Key Words to Stack the Deck

Deflecting Attention to Minimize Mistakes

Today I am pondering about a conversation that I watched on Facebook that transpired over Apple telling Limbaugh where to stick his money. 

Several people were commenting back and forth about the climate change with their pros and cons.  On the last comment, the man who was so adamantly against climate change accused the woman of being pro-choice and then went on to write that her priorities were so out of whack.  He continued with, "It's a federal crime to disturb a bald eagle egg but aborting humans is desirable?" 

I read back over all the comments thinking that I had missed where the discussion changed from climate change to pro-choice, because it had not.

What I find interesting is how certain key words are used to stack the deck and throw the attention off the issue.  Key works like pro-choice, abortions, child killers, same sex marriage, and my all time favorite--second amendment rights. 

Well Mr. Right to Lifer, I ponder if you are as concerned with the growing number of children deprived of their right to life due to being killed by handguns? Or is it just with abortions?

And I'm starting to ponder if maybe some people join political parties  because they have a grudge to pick and this is their socially accepted way to spew hatred.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Psychology of Hate

 Dangling the Shinny Object to Manipulate Us

My pondering's of recent have been over a comment that I read from Patty Culhane where she wrote that "to stop a small child from having a tantrum, just hold up a spinning disco ball, it works every time".  Culhane further states that when she wants to describe how to easily distract someone, she says: "Look! Something shiny!"  I can imagine how well this distraction works on a small child, furthermore I see it being used in America today to manipulate adults.  Unfortunately with so many adults, the psychology of hate is being used in place of the shinny disco ball. 

Just consider these examples: 

One such individual has cleaned himself up to appear as the average straight laced dude who wears the baseball cap and is a spokesman for NRA.  He publicly decries: "I'm terrified by where Barrack Obama and his radical America hating leftist goons are leading this great country."  So many see him as a defender of the Second Amendment and our Freedom that they over look the fact that he was once a draft dodger who urinated and defecated on himself to avoid the draft.  And if that is not enough, he was known to advocate enslaving underage females as sex slaves in the lyrics through his music. 

The other example is the Duck Dynasty, which to me in reality would be considered White Trash.  Nonetheless, they are portrayed as a God fearing family that love and care for each other while speaking openly about their faith.  Oh! and their faith just happens to condone intolerance and judging others, while making excuses for them selves.  I recently saw a post on Facebook and was appalled at some of the people who are Liking and identifying with these characters--and in the real world just happen to be clean cut yuppies and nothing like the characters they are portraying. 

Yes, The Psychology of Hate is alive and useful in American society.  In the words of Nichlas Epley, "... we deny human beings their humanity.....from slavery to genocide, society has shown a terrifying ability to disregard the person-hood of others.”

  So the shinny object is dangled to the people using the psychology of hate and many are just too foolish or naive to recognize that they are being used or manipulated for an ulterior agenda.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Secret Killing of the Wolves in Idaho

 Fish and Game Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

The good ole guys at Fish and Game strikes again and this time it is to protect the elk population from hungry wolves. It seems that the elk population has been declining since 1989 and wolves must be to blame.  No worries that it might be illegal poaching or change in habitat. 

So in February US DA Wildlife Services went on a secret helicopter wolf hunt, shooting down over 20 wolves. 

Oh and for safety concerns, it was deemed best to not notify the public due to safety concerns. 

I am pondering also about a humor going around with wild horse advocates that proposals are being drawn up to eradicate starving wild horses that have become too overpopulated and infringe on grazing cattle. 

Let's see, shoot all the predators and then when the prey become over populated we can just go out and shoot them too!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Global Seed Vault or Doomsday for Those Who Can Not Pay

Are Frankenseeds Allowed in the Mix?

This week will mark the opening of Norway's Svalbard Global Seed Vault or "Doomsday" seed vault as is referenced by some.

Located in the Arctic, the published intention of the seed vault  is to serve as a back-up network for preserving seeds from around the world which would be used for survival purposes due to a global disaster.

However, when I hear the names of Bill Gates mixed in with the Rockefeller Foundation and the Monsanto Corporation I begin to shutter in my stilettos. 

So I start to ponder, is this in truth a benevolent  endeavor to preserve the world's seeds in case of climate changes brought on by volcanic eruptions or asteroid strikes like with the demise of the dinosaurs?  Or is it  the continuing work of a long focus to bend science to the service of eugenics?