Sunday, March 9, 2014

Springing Ahead Once Again

 Pondering On One Less Hour of Sleep

How fast time goes by, seems like only yesterday that we were moving our clocks back.  I enjoyed having that extra hour and now what is given is then taken away! 

So I ponder, why must most of the U.S. endure these changes?  Well if you think it's due to the farmers, you are miss-lead!  Up to 1966, the farmers blocked daylight saving time and then Present Johnson gave in to the lobbyist,  signing DLST into law.

Research has found that changing our sleep schedule does us no good and contributes to a higher risk of car accidents, increased work place injuries and a spike in coronary risk.  However, pressure from the lobbyist for the industries that benefit financially from this law far out weight the disadvantages affecting the American public.  

 And who might these lobbyist be, I pondered?  In a March 4, 2014 report by Gail Bambrick entitled "The Cost of Daylight Saving Time" it is stated that the main businesses profiting from extra sunlight at the day's end are oil, energy, golf, commercial recreational parks e.g. water parks, plus patio and grill suppliers.  Bambrick summarizes that although studies show that changing the sleep schedule is not good for us or for the extra energy demands, we are still forced to comply. 

So while you are enjoying that extra day light just be reminded that you are also paying for that privilege.  

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