Tuesday, March 25, 2014

On Staying Positive

 Enjoying Life as a Responsible Adult

Some people question why in my Pondering's am I always looking at the negative side of things.  And I reckon it does appear that I am not a fun-loving, laughing and joking kind of gal!

 I enjoy life to the fullest and appreciate the beauty of the world in which I live.  It makes me sick when I hear how "entities", for better use of the word, manipulate and prostitute principles that should be improving life for all of us on this planet that we call home. 

The other evening when the temps had cooled down and a wind was blowing out of the north, I watched two neighbors spraying Round Up.  They were standing right in the spray while talking and laughing.  Such irresponsible behavior from two middle age adults just made me sick.  No regards for their health or where the wind might be carrying the spray to contaminate plants, wildlife or water features. 

The next day when I expressed concern, I was told by one of the neighbors that Monsanto guarantees that when the Round Up dries, it is so safe, you can eat the grass if you want!  I can only hope that this person did try and eat the grass.

Then there is the issue with food and what I observe people consuming.  Why in the name of reason would anyone buy a child a soda that is too large for them to lift to their mouth?  Or what about a sandwich that has more calories that a 12 piece bucket of KFC greasy fried chicken!  Furthermore, I am sorry but what goes in must come out and if you consume all those calories you are going to get fat.  Obesity is something that a person has control over, it is called willpower!

Lastly is the right to bare arms.  Maybe I'm luckily because I have never wanted a gun or felt the need for one.  Nowadays, everyone must have a gun and stand their ground, regardless of the innocent people that are being killed. 

So maybe it does appear that I am negative.  However I prefer to live as a responsible adult and make sound decisions that will not haunt me for the rest of my life.  I take control over my happiness and health, as much as I can in this whacked up, calorie laden, gun toting Round Up society.

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