Sunday, March 16, 2014

TransCanada Pipeline, More Oil for U.S.?

Politics, Viagra and Debates, Who's Getting the Oil?

So we anxiously await President Obama's final decision regarding the TransCanada pipeline, which is rumored to come soon.  I ponder how much of this oil is actually going to benefit the American public?  There is so much debate over jobs, environmental issues and whether the oil is actually staying in the U.S. or going to China.  And with spring drawing near, the gasoline prices are creeping up. 

I believe that like with climate change this pipeline has become such a political issue and more and more, Americans are being drawn apart almost like with the Civil War in the North vs. the South.  I heard someone remark that politics are just for the older crowd and like with Viagra it keeps them erect and aroused.  Young folks are too busy living and trying out new experiences so whatever is decided, they will just go with the flow--or not!

Maybe it's true, the younger generation should run this country and turn the older, mature political leaders out to pasture with all the Viagra they need.

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